Elected annually, the committee of the École Panorama Heights Elementary Parent Advisory Council (PHPAC) represent all parents and guardians whose children are in attendance of our school. Committee members meet regularly throughout the school year to consult with principals on concerned school matters and to vote on proposed PHPAC activities. All parents/guardians in our school are entitled to attend meetings.
[table caption=”2022-2023 Core Executives” width=”1300″ colwidth=”380|150|300|500″ colalign=”left|left|left|left” ]
Role, Name, E-mail, Function
President (Chairperson), Bita Rezaei,chair@panoramaheightspac.ca,Coordinates PHPAC affairs in cooperation with other members and meet with school administration to discuss interest and concerns of people in the school community.
Vice President, Elisa Hudson, ,Supports duties and responsibilities of the president.
Treasurer, Nick Fan, treasurer@panoramaheightspac.ca,Disburses money according to the PHPAC decisions/rules\, notes transactions in the treasurer’s book\, and prepare reports of finances at each meeting.
Secretary, Claudia Lally~~Adam Lally,secretary@panoramaheightspac.ca,Records minutes of regular and executive meetings and maintains a minutes book.
District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) Representative, Ya Wen, dpac@panoramaheightspac.ca,Attends DPAC meetings and reports on interests and concerns at district level.
[table caption=”2022-2023 Non-Core Executives” width=”1300″ colwidth=”380|150|300|500″ colalign=”left|left|left|left” ]
Role, Name, E-mail, Function
Fundraising Committee Coordinators, Elisa Hudson , fundraising@panoramaheightspac.ca, Coordinates fundraising programs for the school year\, and proposes plans for the next year.
Movie Nights Coordinator, Looking for volunteer,movienight@panoramaheightspac.ca, Coordinates movie nights for the school year.
Safety\, Health & Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Looking for volunteer, safety@panoramaheightspac.ca,Monitors supplies and assists school with student ID forms and other related tasks.
Grade 5 Committee Coordinators, Looking for volunteer, grade5@panoramaheightspac.ca,Plans activities and orders graduation gifts for Grade 5 students.
Traffic Coordinator, Looking for volunteer, traffic@panoramaheightspac.ca,Coordinates the monitoring of traffic on and around the school grounds.
Class Liaison and Parent Communications Coordinator, Looking for volunteer, classliaison@panoramaheightspac.ca,Prepares and distributes PAC newsletters\, maintains Parent Community bulletin boards\, coordinates the recruitment of class reps\, translation reps\, and other parent volunteers\, liaise with class reps and school staff.
Parent Education Coordinators, Looking for volunteer, parenteducation@panoramaheightspac.ca,Arranges parent education speakers.
Canadian Parents for French, Looking for volunteer, cpf@panoramaheightspac.ca,Attends CPF district meetings and reports back to PAC\, liaison for French Immersion families.
Multicultural Liaison Coordinator, Looking for volunteer,multicultural@panoramaheightspac.ca,Works with translation representatives and ESL teachers to communicate and encourage involvement of multicultural families.
Hot Lunch Coordinators, Elisa Hudson, hotlunch@panoramaheightspac.ca,Organizes Hot Lunch days\, and coordinates ordering\, preparation and delivery.
Student Enrichment Program (SEP) Coordinator, Looking for volunteer, sep@panoramaheightspac.ca,Proposes\, organizes and implements diverse student enrichment activities\, including coordinating clubs.
Athletic Club Coordinator, Looking for volunteer, athleticclub@panoramaheightspac.ca, Organizes weekly meetups throughout the school year to promote healthy lifestyle and athletic excellence.
Website and Communications Coordinator, Arisa Yang, webmaster@panoramaheightspac.ca,Carries out development of PHPAC website and maintains its day to day operation.
Contact the Chairperson for any questions.