Clothing Tips for Portraits
Keep It Simple is a good rule of thumb when approaching clothing selection

Solid colors are preferred.

Avoid large or bold patterns, or stripes and bright colors such as bright white, bright red, bright yellow. Children can get away with primary colours and Pastels are ok. Darker colours are generally better than lighter colours. In general, the best colors are medium shades of blue, green, burgundy, purple or rust.

Please no writing or logos on any of the shirts or sweaters. Horizontal stripes and patterns are very distracting and make you appear larger than what you are. Colors are fine, just be sure they are solid and coordinated. Please remember some of these portraits will be full length, so be sure that your shoes and/or socks go with your outfit. Make sure socks cover the ankles and have no holes.
Please ensure your shoes are clean with no dirt on the soles.

For Groups – having everyone dressed the same is ideal but not imperative. If one person wears jeans – everybody wears jeans. If one person dresses more formal, everyone dress more formal.

For tops, having everyone in all the same tones looks great. Make sure to avoid any one person having a brighter top than everyone else – they will glow in the photo. So no dark tops on some, and light tops on others.

Just try to keep the colours the same in brightness, tone and coordination.

Long sleeved outfits are recommended for adults. Our goal is to have your faces be the most eye-catching area of the portrait. The less amount of skin tone that competes with your faces the better. Exposed arms will look larger under studio lights.

Coordinate your clothing from head to toe, paying attention to both shoes and/or socks. The human eye is drawn to lighter areas so you can use that basic knowledge to control apparent body size. Darker clothing makes body parts underneath appear smaller; light colors will tend to increase the perceived size.
Paying attention to the necklines is a good idea. An open neck line, such as a V or a scoop neck, is good for short necks and full faces. Avoid turtle necks.

Soft, natural make up is best. Add a touch more mascara and a nice soft color on your lips.

You must be clean-shaven if you don’t want a 5 o’clock shadow to show in the photos.

For Groups/Families
It’s going to be a fun session and you will be directed as to exactly what to do. Your only job is to relax, have fun and be happy. For younger children & infants – bring a small favourite toy that the Photographer can squeak or hold up to attract their attention.